Saturday, February 1, 2025

Marita’s Birthday Party

Aloha Everyone,

Detsy came to pick us up at 10:30 am. J.J. and I are amazed her punctuality. She does not practice Filipino times.

Today, I tried one ear patch. About a half hour prior to our meeting Detsy, I applied one ear patch to combat motion sickness. I had also prepared “just in case” motion sickness paraphernalia. J.J. kept on asking how am I feeling. After an hour, I was still feeling fine.

Cautious of my stomach and food intake, but I was able to enjoy a little paella, pansit, green salad with sun dried tomatoes and candied nuts and all time favorite fresh lumpia. 

Maricar was very happy for me that my first time using the motion sickness patch worked.  I even ate a tiny piece of Marita’s birthday cake.

Surrounded by her families and friends, she made her birthday wish in the post pandemic local custom by clapping hands to blow candles rather than possibly spreading her germs.

Detsy told me that she would keep the patch on for 72 hours, or the total duration of its effectiveness. I took a shower after we came home from dining at Ipukkudo and the patch slid off, leaving no side effects.

Aloha -- Cathi