Saturday, January 11, 2025

Thai Food at GBC Uptown Mall and Filipino Food at Crisistomo in BGC High Street

Aloha Everyone,

My objective for today’s meal selections were that they are photogenic. Thai seafood and vegetable soup is served in a container with flame below to keep the soup bubbling. I ate most of veggies while J.J. enjoyed the small shrimps.

On weekends, Globe Turf BGC is busy with amateur soccer players. The only ones who looked in shape were younger athletes. Lots of huffing and puffing among the older ones.

We crossed the overpass to reach Crisostomo, Turn of the Century Filipino Dining. The main plate I chose was for my photo. J.J. made other selections that are tastier and to his liking. I did find the vegetarian fried lumpia exceptionally tasty especially with sweet and spicy Thai sauce.

We were able to return to BGC Uptown by 6:00 pm before forecasted rain showers.

Aloha -- Cathi