Friday, January 10, 2025

Phone Conversation with Family

Aloha Everyone,

With our day and time differences, it’s been difficult to get hold of Jeff on the phone. J.J. and I also try to get the majority of our daily walk early in the day by going to BGC High Street.

Today for the most part it was pleasant. The two of us extended our walk by going to Ayala Mall where J.J. purchased a Scandisk hard drive to save data from his laptop which he referring to as “On the brink of death.” 

Abe’s had a sufficient number of tables where we could choose to sit. Abe’s and Fely’s are affiliated, and we were pleasantly surprised to be greeted by our familiar waiter from Fely’s in Uptown Mall. He knew that I like to have a cup of hot water and my fresh lumpia with its sweet sauce separate.

I was finally able to speak with my sister. She has had an amazing time traveling in Japan with her daughter and her 4 grandsons. Her house is located up in the hillside but so far, her house is unscathed from the California fires. Many of her friends have evacuated. My sister is experiencing poor air quality. Our thoughts and prayers are with victims and their families.

Aloha -- Cathi