Friday, January 3, 2025

Boiled Peanuts, Vegetarian Pot Stickers and Tofu

Aloha Everyone,

Handheld fan does a couple of functions. On our walk to BGC High Street, I can use it to stop traffic, let traffic police know about our intention of crossing the street and yes, I can fan myself to create an artificial breeze.

Eating boiled peanuts with chopsticks takes time. And so did fishing out tiny cubes of tofu from a large soup bowl. Vegetarian pot stickers were my favorite, but after having a couple of pieces, my stomach was full. J.J. said maybe we had overestimated our appetite. Leftovers were packed to take away. 

High energy on our return to our condo. The two of us didn’t even pause to rest. I gave the credit to tofu.

J.J. purchased two replacements pencil sharpeners at National Book for me. Staedtler Luna brand are simpler designs but are meant to do what they are suppose to do.

Aloha -- Cathi