Friday, December 20, 2024

Soft Shell Crab Dinner

Aloha Everyone,

J.J. loves all sorts of crustaceans. Among them, crabs are his favorite. When waiter brought a blue colored crab to our table for J.J.’s approval, I wasn’t prepared to take photos of this large wiggly creature with eyes bulging. 

After 25 minutes or so of waiting, we were served a freshly cooked crab. As you can see J.J. anticipating his first bite and his satisfied smile when the plate is clean.

Rice noodles with vegetables plus white rice was what I had and they were what we had packed to takeaway.

This was one of the most satisfying meals for J.J. The next time he would have to have a hardshell crab dinner.  I don’t see difference in taste but for connoisseur like him, J.J. says yes there is a world of difference.

Aloha -- Cathi