Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas Lunch at Las Flores

Aloha Everyone,

The rain wouldn’t stop. Finally, J.J. and I saw a very short break from heavy downpours and made our way to Las Flores. At 1:45 pm, the restaurant was empty, and we had the place all to ourselves.

We ordered paella valenciana mariscos as our main dish, augmented by a green salad and fried calamari. Nothing new but these are our favorites. For dessert, we shared a leche flan. 

Spent additional 20 minutes for another break from continuing downpours and then made our way back to our condo.

Due to the lateness of our lunch, I was happy with coffee & Mongo Beans Hopia as my dinner at 4:30 pm. J.J. is having the leftover takeaway paella for his dinner at 7:30 pm.

Everything got wet including our jackets. We are doing a big load of laundry on Christmas.

Spoke with our children and granddaughter. Tomorrow we will initiate calls to wish them Merry Christmas.

Aloha -- Cathi