Saturday, October 26, 2024

Cooking Demonstrations & Creative Cakes

Aloha Everyone,

Cooking demonstration was held in the Princess theater. The head chef and the head of Hotel & Restaurant services took more attention than the foods they prepared.

We’ve seen this similar routine previously. One improvement was that the chef and the Hotel & Restaurant manager must have practiced their routines. They were truly in sync and laughed at their own jokes.

Huge cakes lined up in the dining room dessert section on the 15th floor Fresh Market. I went around to photograph but most people were just eager to get a slice of each of these creations. Just a sliver on a plate soon became a huge mound. A woman sheepishly told me, “I am wearing my last pair of pants which I could hardly fit in. Glad that I am getting off tomorrow in Sydney. It’ll be back to salads for me until I can get rid off the 35 pounds I gained in the last 36 days.”

Aloha -- Cathi