Monday, May 27, 2024

Happy Birthday to our Daughter-in-law!

Aloha Everyone,

In May there are over a dozen family members and friends who are celebrating their birthdays.

Take out Chinese food from Jasmine Chinese Restaurant is always appreciated. 

My granddaughter and I spent an average of 45 minutes a day drawing together. She told me drawings helps her relax her mind from other academic requirements. Her latest sketchbook is filled with drawings of people, full body anatomical images. Heads, faces, hairs, eyes, lips and more details. Currently she is drawing hands and feet.  

Drawing hands, my granddaughter has her formula. She can produce one without reference. But when it comes to leg and feet, she told me that she has a way to go. Watching her draw and sitting side by side with both of us struggling to get it right reminded me of a talented French sculptor. The Story of Adèle H who produced one perfect piece of a foot as Rodin’s assistant.

Talking and humming, laughing & exchanging stories, drawing time with my granddaughter was one of the most treasured moments of our time in La Jolla.

Aloha -- Cathi