Saturday, April 13, 2024

Sea Day, Passport Collection

Aloha Everyone,

This morning our room steward collected our passports for immigration clearance procedures for upcoming ports of call.  In turn, we were given receipts for our passports. Having gone through this process before, we weren’t concerned about our passports getting lost. Besides Remigo, our steward, assured us that he will be responsible for our passports. If any of them should get lost, he would lose his job immediately. Though I overheard couple of people arguing that they would not part with their government documents and asking for alternative means.

As a part of training for advancing their own career, Remigo completed rescue and safety with lifeboat.  Remigo furthermore mentioned that he is an experienced and strong swimmer. J.J. and I are in good hands.

We got another 24 hours WiFi so I was able to do FaceTime Audio with our family. Caught up with some upgrades of my video games, I did some sketches while waiting. A good day for my walk. As Jeff mentioned to me, “I have to force myself” focusing on health benefits of my daily walk. 15,126 or 5.4 miles, a great day.

Tonight’s Showtime entertainment was Vocalist Sonia Selbie. A singer with versatile selections, she began with 60’s music relating to her audience. Originally from England, she now works in Nashville, Tennessee. Although when Sonia came to Gloria Esteban’s songs, some of her audience started to exit.

Aloha -- Cathi