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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Back to LaJolla, CA

Aloha Everyone,

There is definitely a change of pace driving in California. Freeways have much more lanes and heavier traffic. We also saw more highway patrols. The two of us were expected in La Jolla for lunch. But less than 200 miles distance, it took us nearly 5 hours.

The two of us were travelled fatigued. After a quick lunch, J.J. and I washed our clothes then took a nap. 

So when I went walking in the neighborhood with our son, my daughter-in-law was surprised that I even did a couple of laps within our compound. I deduced that my stiff right shoulder comes from holding onto Honu’s safety handle as well as my safety belt which wouldn’t work unless the airbag is activated. I will try and see if compression sleeves would help me alleviate stiffness.

Wonderful to see our family. Birthday cake to celebrate J.J.’s birthday with turkey, tofu and assortment of veggies and fruits.

Aloha -- Cathi