Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Day 3 Sea Day, Formal Night

Aloha Everyone,

Every Zumba class I’ve taken is different. Some Zumba instructors are also versed in yoga, t’ai chi or Quigong. Thus they bring stretching and strengthening exercises in addition to jumping and dancing.  

Tui & Maiie Letuli are the Ambassadors of Aloha. They will be offering numerous classes that are related Hawaiian culture.  

Shore Excursion Live Tour Presentation covered the entire length of this cruise. It seems some of our destinations are easily accessible by walking. Others where we want to circle the island, we will look into joining an organized tour.

This must’ve been about the seventh time J.J. and I watched the Production Show, Bravo. Great songs, excellent singers and dancers. We always find it entertaining.

Aloha -- Cathi