Thursday, April 27, 2023

Charles Barkley’s Comment About Cats

Aloha Everyone,

Charles Barkley has a likable personality. He is enthusiastic and not shy to share his personal opinions on his TV program. Barkley competed in the 1992 & 1996 Olympic Games and won two gold medals as a US men’s basketball team member. 

He is co-host with Kenny Smith on Inside the NBA on TNT and perhaps became even more popular after he retired.  Barkley’s recent comment, “A cat is not a real pet” in reference to Kenny Smith’s sharing that he has a cat as a pet caused unexpected reactions from cat lovers. Why?  Because it’s not a dog.

With multiple problems we are facing, hearing Charles Barkley’s funny comment about a cat is a good excuse to laugh at something non-controversial.

Aloha -- Cathi