Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Meals on Wheels

Aloha Everyone,

Meals on Wheels is a national non-profit organization operating with US government aid. Volunteers, often seniors who are still mobile and can drive, deliver food to homebound seniors. On the website of “Meals on Wheels”, a knock-on the door means nourishment for the body and soul. 

One devoted volunteer shortened her vacation in Hawaii when she learned that there were no volunteers to make deliveries to people. According to her mother, her daughter developed strong connections to her constituents. She not only delivers food but took time to make her weekly visits meaningful. In addition to find out how those home bound seniors are doing, she asked what she could do to make their daily life happier.

The sad truth is that the price of gasoline has a direct impact on volunteers and recipients of Meals on Wheels. It is my understanding that volunteers receive no reimbursements for the cost of gasoline.

Aloha -- Cathi