Friday, June 24, 2022

Great Resignations

Aloha Everyone,

We all are in some way or another affected by over-worked and burned-out healthcare workers. J.J. and I are trying to line up our health maintenance appointments including our annual Medicare Health Check and we must be flexible in getting our appointments.

We’ve read multiple reports that the healthcare industry has already lost 20% of their workforce. This includes 30% of nurses. According to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, in 2022, so far, nearly 1.7 million people have quit the healthcare workforce.

Workers in all fields: highly skilled and in management, professional and service industry, are looking for quality of life.  They are asking for a better way of living their life. What is the purpose of life? What is important and how best to use one’s time. How much money do you really need to live a quality life? 

We hear life gurus talk about “Work, Life, Balance”. The two of us follow our simple philosophy of work hard and live hard. J.J. and I have taken annual short vacations lasting 1 months to 3 months to restore our energy and enthusiasm for life. Live your life simply.

Aloha -- Cathi