Thursday, February 17, 2022

Huatulco, Mexico

Aloha Everyone,

Huatulco is a fishing village with about 34,000 inhabitants. There are 36 golden sandy beaches in Huatulco, boasting the warmest water on the Pacific side of Mexico.

Archeological discovery places earliest inhabitants of the area to at least 2,500 years ago. The word Huatulco comes from the Nahuatl word Cuauhtolco, which means “The Place where the wood is adored."

The two of us walked down the pier and found a restaurant facing the bay with the Emerald Princess as it’s backdrop. We basically wanted to use reliable WiFi in exchange for a Coke Regular for J.J. and Coke Lite for me.

We are now 4 hours ahead of Hawaii! Luckily Jeff is an early riser, and we were able to speak with him and send him our latest blogs for posting. The two of us also spoke with our daughter-in-law in La Jolla. I left several messages of Voicemails and texts to family and friends across North America and Europe.

Beautiful and shiny black feathered bird with brown colored speckled neck called Anni were walking around our table.  Trying to photograph them for our granddaughter was futile. These are their footprints on the sand.

Aloha -- Cathi