Friday, October 2, 2020

Absentee Ballot

Aloha Everyone,

As legal residents of South Dakota, JJ and I finished casting our votes through the mail.

The procedure was simple. We first had to individually request for our mail-in ballots using an online mail-in ballot application. The application was mailed backed with our signature and facsimile of our SD identity.

Our ballot arrived in the mail with clear instructions. We returned the completed ballot using the envelope that was provided. My name and signature had to be on the return envelope. The election will match it with the signature sent earlier. After I affixed $1.00 in stamps and dropped it in the mailbox, I must say that there was a small but genuine satisfaction that I have done my civic duty.

J.J. will check next week to confirm our envelopes have been received. As of today, 18% of South Dakotans have already voted by mail.

Aloha -- Cathi