Monday, May 27, 2019

The Jacumba Mountains

Aloha Everyone,

The Jacumba Mountains is made of untidy, disorganized rock formations that looks as if some giant piled them loosely on top of each other. Many of these mountains made of rocks appears unsteady and ready to tumble down.

The Jacumba Mountain range is approximately 11.5 miles stretching in a northwest-southeasterly direction. J.J. and I have enjoyed its unusual terrain whenever we travel using Interstate 8.

During our previous crossing, we saw snow at Jacumba Peak. With an elevation of 4,512 feet, the temperature usually drops by 10-20 degrees. Today Honu was buffeted by strong wind. The Jacumba Mountain range is supposed to be a good hiking/walking area. However, unless I can join an experienced hiking group, I would have to pass for now.

There is an interesting LA Times article dated April 2, 1995 written by John McKinney called “Moonscape Over Jacumba Mountains”

Here is a link:
Aloha -- Cathi