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Saturday, March 16, 2019

2019 Middle School Instrumental Honor Concert

Aloha Everyone,

There are 24 middle schools in the San Diego Unified school district. The band teacher at our granddaughter’s school had announced to the class about the concert and upcoming auditions.

Based on the program we were given, 18 of the 24 schools were represented. 97 students in the Honor Orchestra and 65 students in the Honor Band were listed. The actual tally is less since some students, including our granddaughter, played for both Honor Orchestra and Honor Band.

What a wonderful experience for young musicians. Our granddaughter stated, “Most of the students in the honor band were seventh and eighth graders, probably more so eighth graders.

Each rehearsal was three hours and 30 minutes long with a 10 minute dinner break. (The length is because she had to practice with both the band and orchestra). At first it was once a week but then it increased to twice a week. There were four total weeks of practice.”

J.J. and I especially enjoyed listening to the band selections: Queen City March, Metric, Nostalgia, Falcon Fanfare, and Hymn & Fantasia. Perhaps we are partial. For band with a lesser number of instruments, we could clearly hear the flute played by our granddaughter.

It was a pleasurable evening spent with our family and friends.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” 
― Plato

Aloha -- Cathi