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Monday, April 2, 2018

Dearth of a Ghost Town

Aloha Everyone,
A ghost town is created when a village, town or city is deserted as a result of natural or man-made disaster. A town could become a ghost town when major industries or businesses that supported the local economy shutdown. The place is left to decay.
Some ghost towns have successfully been resurrected. Calico Ghost Town in the Mojave Desert region of Southern California has been converted into a county park and a big tourist attraction. Buildings are restored to look like the original 1880’s silver mining town.
The two of us have travelled the I-10 corridor many times. I am always looking to discover new places to visit and write about. On our Rand McNally Road Atlas, Stein’s Ghost Town along I-10 was listed.
As you can see, this ghost town is dead. Any remaining structures were left to decay in the harsh desert weather. 

 Challenging drive for J.J. through the stretch with extreme dust storm warnings posted along the highway. There were strong winds on the route, but fortunately no dust storms. We are happy to safely arrive at KOA Las Cruces.  Outside is still very windy. I had difficulty trying to keep our salad veggies and fruits from flying or rolling away using an outdoor facility.
By the way, the physical map we have is a 2015 edition. Time to upgrade.
Aloha -- Cathi