Thursday, June 22, 2017

Bell Peppers

Aloha Everyone,

I have been enjoying wonderful, colorful, crunchy and tasty bell peppers. They come in green, red, yellow, orange, purple, brown and black. Their size varies from round and short about a size of a quarter to thin and long finger length.

Bell peppers, especially the red variety, is full of vitamin C. Beta-carotene in bell peppers has many health benefits including:

1). Low in calories -- for example one cup equals about 45 calories and you will get more than your daily requirements of Vitamin A and C.

2). Boosts your immune system.

3). Vitamin E in bell pepper helps keep your skin youthful.

4).  Protects you with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

5).  Reduced bad cholesterol.

6).  Helps controls diabetes.

To read more about the amazing health benefits of bell peppers, go to:

Aloha -- Cathi