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Monday, January 9, 2017

To Fredericksburg

Aloha Everyone,

Finally, the Texas weather is more agreeable. Today's high was 68 degrees and we are expecting to drop only to 51. We should have pleasant weather for the next few days while we are here visiting our friend, Diane, at the Lyndon B. Johnson ranch house aka his Texas White House.  

Bruce, who checked us in at the KOA Fredericksburg was a amiable man in spite of his obvious discomfort due to a cold. Originally from Illinois, he lived in Denver, CO and has been here for about 3 years. Bruce even gave me a big smile for our blog.

After being on the road for nearly 5 hours today, J.J. and I relaxed this afternoon and caught up with our reading. This RV park is in a country setting. Hens and roosters are trotting around.

The two of us are happy to note that the municipal water here is clear. Tomorrow, we have to drain the water tank which we filled at our last stay where it's coloration took a hue of the apple cider.

Aloha -- Cathi