Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Train Ride To Oceanside

Aloha Everyone,

Today we had an exciting treat for our granddaughter and for us. Our plan was to take the COASTER commuter train from Sorrento Valley Station to Oceanside and back. Of course plans do not always materialize and we had nearly 2 hours wait for our train due to cancellations. 

The upside of this long wait was that we met a friendly couple from Dallas, Texas. Steve, an owner of his own construction company and his wife, Jackie, a traveling nurse love to travel. We talked about our stays in various Texas state parks. Tim, is a resident of Missouri and works for a footware company. He shared with us information regarding the northern part of China where he was born and raised. 

The second benefit of the delay was instead of a Coaster, our train was Amtrak. Climbing onto the third level, we were treated to breathtaking coastal scenery from Sorrento Valley Station to Oceanside.

There are more than 20 trains running on weekdays and additional service on weekends. Our stay in Oceanside was about 30 minutes, sufficient time to take in the beautiful California coast and for our granddaughter to enjoy the beach.

Aloha -- Cathi