Aloha Everyone,
Phò or pho is a noodle soup of Vietnamese origin. It basically consist of broth and very thin rice noodles. Pho is usually served steaming hot with herbs and choice of beef or chicken. A side dish of vegetables including bean sprouts, carrots, pepper, lime and mint accompany the soup.
Depending on whether you are from the Northern or Southern part of Vietnam, Pho may be popular as a breakfast dish or as meal at any time of the day.
Pho Ca Dao is one of J.J. and my favorite Vietnamese restaurants in California. Our daughter-in-law took us here during one of our previous visits. Since then we've returned to enjoy their famous egg rolls and pho. Today J.J. and I went to the Mira Mesa location and shared a vegetarian egg roll dish as our appetizer. For our main course, J.J. had beef pho and me, a vegetarian.
Aloha -- Cathi