Friday, February 26, 2016

Bastrop & Buescher State Parks

Aloha Everyone,

Upon entering the Bastrop Park headquarter, Rangers Layla (left) & Andie (right) greeted us with their friendly, enthusiastic Texas welcome.

After securing an excellent site on top of a hill for the next two nights, we drove back to the city of Bastrop to have lunch at Panda Express.

My lunch - Honey grazed walnut shrimp, stirred fried vegetable & brown rice

J.J.'s lunch - Honey grazed walnut shrimp, chicken mushroom & fried rice

Bastrop and Buescher State Parks are connected by a 12-mile road which at times looks more like a trail. In 2011, a wildfire burned 96 percent of the park.

After enjoying the ultra clean shower and restroom facilities. J.J. and I took an evening walk to enjoy spotting birds and seeing buds starting to open. The weather is slowly getting warmer.

Poignant portrait of Honu set against the charred remains of the "Lost Pines."

Aloha -- Cathi