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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

French Toast with Maple Syrup from Northfield Mount Hermon School Farm

Aloha Everyone,

We brought the maple syrup back with us to California. The syrup is produced at a 1200 acres school farm. This morning's breakfast was particularly special as my Mother, J.J. and I enjoyed our French toast with Maple Syrup gifted by Angie and Dan.

J.J. and I accompanied my Mother to Irvine. J.J. drove her new car which is equipped with more gizmos then Honu. Much smaller in size, J.J. said it is a light car, very fast and easy to maneuver.

Stopped at Costco to purchase European chocolate gift boxes for Japan. Our lunch was Costco hot dog.

This afternoon, we spent time sorting photos of my Mother's 5 great-grandchildren which we will make album prints for her.

Aloha -- Cathi