Monday, July 20, 2015

Changing Honu's Tires, Coo's Bay Visitor Center, and Fish, Chips and Oysters

Aloha Everyone,

One advantage of revisiting a familiar city is that you can find your way around.  

This morning we took Honu to Les Schwarb to have 4 back tires changed. Doing them in Oregon where there is no sales tax, we save at a minimum 9%. Compared to two new tires in California that cost us $600, we are paying $900 for 4 tires. They are also giving us 60,000 miles warranty. The service was efficient and friendly. On top of that, J.J. and I had the use of the free WiFi.

After a stop at a self-car wash to spruce up Honu, we went to Wells Fargo Bank. Coo's Bay Visitor Center was conveniently located just across the street from the bank. Volunteers Bob and Jay were cheerful and helpful. Following their suggestion, we went to the Fishermen's Seafood Market for our lunch.

Cindy, our server:

J.J.'s lunch, fish & chips & oysters

J.J.'s getting our provisions while I use my iPhone and iPad before we go back into the woods.

Aloha -- Cathi