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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Farmer's Market at Wilson Park and Strawberry Picking in Carlsbad

Aloha Everyone,

Judy wanted to do two activities while in California.  

1. Eat fresh seasonal fruits.
2. Go shopping at Trader Joe's

We began our day by going to the Farmer's Market at Wilson Park.  

We purchased plums, yellow & white peaches and nectarines as well as his specialty fruits, mango nectarine from Steven.

Zack holding zucchini

From Alyson, we purchase eggplants.


After purchasing a sampling of seasonal fresh fruits, we headed for You Pick Strawberry Farm in Carlsbad.

Joined by our granddaughter and our daughter-in-law, the 5 of us ventured into the field of strawberries. Although the farm workers have already picked the first round, there were so many inviting, ripe, red, juicy fruits beckoning us to pick them.

The system is you purchase a bucket that comes in $10 and $20 sizes. As part of the entrance, $10 bucket would allow one person to pick and $20 is for two. For an extra person, there is $5 charge. There is no limit as to the quantity one may consume while you are in the field. For our granddaughter the fun was to look for the largest or smallest, or perfect fruit. It was very pleasant as the sun was hiding during our "field work."

Once we returned to town, we stopped by at Trader Joe's where Judy was able to do her shopping. A full and eventful day.

Aloha -- Cathi