Saturday, June 20, 2015

Camping Date with Our Granddaughter

Aloha Everyone,

Today we returned to KOA San Diego, but this time we took our granddaughter with us!  It was a lots of fun. We did drawing and painting, went on a walk around the entire campground, and we made up stories of the things and people we met. 

The highlights of her stay was the hayride and pillow jumping.

Here is Michael who drove the truck full of hay. Unfortunately, J.J. did not take photo of me pillow jumping with our granddaughter.

Monica and Chris were vacationing at KOA with their two small children. When I mentioned that J.J. and I are full-time RVers and pointed out Honu, Monica said, "That's what we would love to do after we retire."

I hope that they would be able to realize their dreams one day.

Aloha -- Cathi