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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Spanish Club in Cuenca

Aloha Everyone,

Señor Gonzales of Zona Refrescante restaurant had invited us to come to the weekly luncheon at his restaurant. The event is open to everybody. You come, order your meal then share a table with other attendees. The venue provides Americans and Canadians to meet their countrymen. There is no requirement, but Señor Gonzales encourages you to converse only in Spanish.

Holly is from California and is a retiree in Cuenca. She seemed to be a serious student of Spanish language as she was carrying a thick book,  "501 Verbs in Spanish."

Laura is from Las Vegas, NV. She was carrying an English-Spanish dictionary. Laura mentioned that she is trying to keep a blog about living in Cuenca. Before all of us were asked to change our tables  Laura and I exchanged our blog addresses.

Steve is from California. Like so many fellow travelers and retirees J.J. and I are meeting in Cuenca, Steve has an interesting world travel experience. I could write an entire blog about him but most impressive thing about Steve is that he.can read and write Sanskrit (the classical language of India).

Jerry is from South Carolina and now resides in Cuenca.

Diane is from North Carolina.

Jim is from North Carolina. He is a retired Pediatrician specializing in Neonatology (newborn babies usually premature). He did not stay long as he was on his way to a local hospital where he is a volunteer.

It was an enjoyable luncheon. J.J. and I think that is an excellent way to meet and associate with fellow extranjero (foreigners) in Cuenca.

We had our dinner at a small restaurant called El Cantsro located next to Parque de Corderon. J.J.'s choice of Camarines con ajo y arroz and my Cuenca style Grilled Cheese Sabdwich was good. The view of the New Cathedral from the restaurant was impressive.

Aloha -- Cathi