Today there were areas that reported an inch of rain per hour. One location reported 7 inches of rainfall within a 24 hour period. This amount of heavy rain on already saturated ground is causing havoc. This is especially true in the denuded hillsides and canyons where spring wild-fires burned trees left no root systems to hold the soils.
The first storm came Sunday. The following day we had a day of respite from the weather which coincided as the day we moved from La a Jolla to South Bay to be with my Mother.
There are always some good things that come out of bad situations. For example, preparedness and helpfulness of local fire, police departments and public works employees in providing relief efforts to various communities have been effective and impressive.
The major concern of the rain is flooding and mudslides. Some residents living in affected areas are leaving their homes before mandatory evacuations take effect.
I took the advantage of this non- active day to review and practice my Kundalini Yoga asanas and meditations. I am also catching up with reading global news on-line.
Another round of rain is anticipated tomorrow but by Friday, when we return to La Jolla for the weekend, the weather is expected to be sunny.
Aloha -- Cathi