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Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Road to Nephi, Utah

Aloha Everyone,

One minutes you are singing, laughing, enjoying the drive and the next minutes you know that something is wrong. When we heard the helicopter overhead and saw its blades, we knew that the accident was very close by.

People react to others tragedy in different ways. Some become reflective, others even despondent and yet most people were curious to know what happened.

I told J.J. that the scene reminded me of what I read in a history book about the opening battle of the Civil War. People took picnic lunches to witness the battle. Similar scene was repeated today. People got out of their cars, took out their iPads and iPhones to record the accident as emergency rescue personnel tried to keep spectators at distance.

We patiently sat immobilized for over an hour occasionally distracted by the passing freight train.

It appeared to be a single car accident and we pray for the victim and the family.

We refilled our prescriptions at the Walmart Pharmacy in Payton. The pharmacist at Walmart Peyton contacted Walmart Honolulu and we were able to pick up our medications. The only delay was because of the 4 hour time difference.

As do most mothers, my Mother always reminds me to eat well and eat healthy. So here is a photo of our lunch: a large serving of fresh vegetable plus blue cheese dressing with turkey slice on pumpernickel bread.

A stick of dark chocolate for dessert.

We are staying in Nephi (pronounced knee fai, like high five) a small town with population of 5,438 per 2012 census.

This RV Park is filled with families with children. One of the RVers from Australia told J.J. that he and his wife are staying here tonight to go to the rodeo which starts at 9:00 AM.

Aloha -- Cathi