Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sweet Peaches of Georgia to Big Welcome in Florida

Aloha Everyone,

Our first stop today was Tifton, Georgia. To be completely honest, it was just going to be another quick exit off the interstate to get fuel, but while J.J. was filling up the gas tank, I saw the dusty home-made sign advertising peaches. Yes! Fresh Georgia peaches!

Farmer Dean greeted us warmly. He smacked his lips and said that he, "picked 'em dis morn. Can have 'em for four." In another words, they peaches were freshly picked from his farm this morning and that they were available for $4 per basket.

Farmer Dean was a and was willing to pose for me when I asked him to hold up a basket and "smile".

The gas station located across the highway.

They are called "June Peaches". Very sweet and delicious. Our basket contained 9 pieces of fresh fruits.

Our entry to Florida began at Florida Welcome Center on I-75.

Florida is the top travel destination in the world and according to the data released by the state of Florida in 2011, 87.3 million visitors contributed $67 billion to the tourism industry.

What waited for us behind this smiling dolphin sculpture were Information Specialists, Pat and Esau. Pat and Esau were friendly, outgoing hospitable and helpful. Esau also provided us with state and private RV parks' information. In my opinion, they are great asset to promoting Florida's tourism industry.

Our Honu got drenched three times in sudden tropical thunderstorms.

There are approximately 14 RV parks in this vicinity.

We chose one to stay in Ocala about 70 miles from Miami.

My Mother has expressed her concerns if J.J. and I are eating right. So this one is for you. We had lamb steak with stirred fried snap peas and steamed white rice. Tomorrow, we'll go back to frozen foods... Just kidding!

Aloha -- Cathi